Synchronous Connections

October 15th, 2011

I continue to be amazed at how many ways the Universe can present my childhood shutdown to me for further healing – each with a different twist, each with another layer of profound healing and understanding.

My experiences on Wednesday – beautiful insights and growth stimulated by a real-life little boy – continue to boggle my mind and warm my heart. There is no doubt that this was all scripted and orchestrated at a higher level. It is all just too perfect to be any type of random chance.

I cannot wait to see what unfolds next.

Perfect Timing

Wednesday evening, as I meditate before bed, tingling energy seems to be flowing everywhere in my body. The tickling energy is beautiful and I recognize it as unconditional love and encouragement from my guides, whispering, “Job well done Brenda … now here’s something to enjoy while you rest tonight.”

Thursday, before spending a beautiful day of writing, I am again meditating at 5:45 a.m., feeling a great deal of flowing energy – but then a few tiny pains surface in my solar plexus. Initially, I attempt to move the pain using the Muppet Show metaphor, just as I had done with all my ancestors in the audience – but the pain does not budge.

“Be patient,” The Jedi voices whisper. “Just send love. This is part of your process of building trust with little Bobby.”

As I later publish “Perfect Timing,” I can only giggle when I discover that exactly two years ago to the very day, on October 6, 2009, I also published another blog by the exact same name. It seems that the timing in my life has been perfectly lining up for a very long time.

A New Era

Friday, while busily writing “Heartfelt Gratitude,” a friend stops by, indicating that she is finally ready for a one-on-one private chocolate session with me. We had tried twice before, but for one reason or another, the timing had never worked out for her.

Gratitude fills my heart as my confidence-building experiences from this summer flow right into my session today – my very first private counseling session in San Marcos. The two of us enjoy a beautiful and inspired session together. It seems that I receive just enough guidance to help me know what to say – and her own connection to her own guides brings exactly what she is looking for.

Even with the delightful and welcome interruption, I easily finish my writing for the day – writing that is greatly facilitated by the increased joy and gratitude of knowing that I am indeed following an inspired path – a path leading me into a new era in my growth. I am eager and excited to facilitate many more such counseling sessions in the future.

Heightened Curiosity

After yet another beautiful day of writing on Saturday, I find myself deeply absorbed in watching a couple of spiritual documentaries – short movies that renew my passion to further explore several of the books I have here on my bookshelf. After going to bed, quite late, inner energies stir excitedly, causing me not to sleep well. This sense of slight unrest tells me that a new round of growth is in the works. I cannot wait to see what will pop up next on my path.

“Are you Brenda?” A woman (I will call her Linda) asks as I step onto Keith’s porch for the Sunday, October 9, chocolate ceremony.

“Yes, I am,” I respond with a curious grin, “how did you know … and who has been telling you about me?”

“I just felt your powerful energy when you walked in,” Linda responds, “and Keith has talked a lot about you and your blog while you were gone.”

I blush, while suppressing an inner giggle. I love the magical journey on which I find myself. My curiosity about today’s ceremony is now only heightened.

Futile Surrender

As the ceremony swings into full gear, my solar plexus again erupts into anxious turmoil, churning with sharp and poking pain. Intuitively, I breathe the painful energy up into my heart. I delight in the fact that my heart immediately feels stronger and my abdominal pain greatly decreases. I continue this process for much of the glow meditation.

Then something new happens. I begin again to feel that sharp “nail-in-the-heart” pain – one that first came up last spring – one that metaphorically seems to tell me that I was energetically crucified in the name of religion.

While this heart-stabbing pain continues to manifest in a deep excruciating way, forgotten memories begin to flash into my mind – memories from between five to eight years old – memories of my own sarcastic, rebellious, anger at my parents, mainly at my mother.

While the details of the actual triggers remain vague, memories of the rebellious emotional outbursts are vivid, as if they happened yesterday. I was feeling unjustly attacked and restricted, I had reached my limit of being suppressed, and I wanted to be understood – I wanted to be heard. But in my angry lashing out in self-defense, the end result was always the same. Either my mouth was washed out with soap, or cayenne pepper was sprinkled on my tongue.

In futility, I had given up my battle to be heard – I had surrendered, succumbing to the absolute futility of attempting to speak my truth.

Festering Buried Sadness

As I did on Wednesday, I again focus on childhood photos, but this time I see my first and third grade photos from school. As I imagine each image, I clearly remember the intense sadness and insecurity that consumed my heart during that period of my life. On the outside, I pretended to be happy. I was productive, hard working, and did everything I possibly could to please my parents – to win the ‘pats on the back’ that I desperately craved.

But a great deal of forgotten sadness had been buried, deep beneath that happy façade. As I meditate deeper and deeper, I can feel those agonizing emotions, as if they are endless, buried in a bottomless pit, boiling and festering beneath the surface of that nail-in-my-heart pain.

As I focus on this pain, deep sadness pushes me back as tears threaten to explode all over the place. I want to go forward, but terror grips my soul as I contemplate getting any closer to this frightening, all-consuming sadness.

Meanwhile, Keith has worked halfway around the porch, having just completed a brief empath-training with an incredibly intuitive young man – a man I will call Peter.

Unexpected Assistance

“Connect with her.” Keith suddenly guides Peter, while pointing directly at me.

I am both shocked and pleased at the same time.

“You’re going to help Brenda in a way that she is always helping others,” Keith continues coaching Peter, “but in a way that she cannot seem to be able to trust or receive herself.”

Unimaginable Sadness

Instantly I lock eyes with Peter, quickly connecting to this twenty-something energetically gifted soul. I struggle to relax, simply imagining myself allowing the lid on this pain to begin releasing. Tears fill my eyes as I focus on surrender. Intense fears dance and swirl around as I gradually sense that this huge reservoir of pain is opening, ever so slightly.

“I can feel an overwhelming and seeming-bottomless well of unimaginable sadness.” Peter provides feedback from across the porch. “I am connected to the sadness, and it is definitely beginning to flow, but I can tell that this release process will take a while.”

During the initial phases of this process, Keith provides considerable feedback to both Peter and me – feedback that helps me to further surrender and trust the amazing process that is now unfolding.

I Want It Out

For the next couple of hours, Peter and I remain energetically connected as he continues to provide occasional feedback about the intense river of sadness that he is assisting to flow up and out of my body, sending it along to the angels for transmutation.

Through it all, I gratefully continue to surrender to the process, simultaneously feeling the enormity of the bottomless pool of painful emotion that remains buried inside of me.

When I blurt out that this emotion feels like sadness from between ages three and eight, Peter confirms that he too is receiving the same guidance. Peter’s feedback of how he himself is experiencing my energy provides a huge burst of confidence, permitting me to step away from logical mind, further allowing me to surrender to the energetic process.

At one point, Peter tells me that he initially felt a lid on my sadness, but that there is now a hole in the lid, and the emotions are freely leaving.

“It feels to me as if about half of the sadness might now be gone.” Peter reassures me.

My tear-filled eyes are closed and my head bent forward toward my knees. The sadness presenting itself to me for release feels as if it is more than I can bear. The only thing on my mind is, “I want this overwhelming sadness out of me.”

Like The Masters

The ceremony today is proving to be unique and unusual. Several people on the porch have accessed a profound connection between laughter and emotional release. Each time that a round of giggles spreads through others on the porch, I attempt to suspend my tears, trying to allow myself to slip into a long-forbidden belly laugh, right along with the others.

I try to visualize fourteen-month-old Bobby laughing along with me, but with each attempt at unbridled laughter, I instead burst into even deeper tears. Yet, at least my belly is indeed shaking with ‘intended’ laughter, further facilitating the movement of long-buried energy.

Repeatedly, I ponder something Keith frequently shares, namely, “When you are able to laugh and cry at the same time, you are moving energy like the Masters.”

I want to move energy in a more fun way. I am determined to laugh while crying. Several times, I succeed – yet the fear and buried sadness continue to be overwhelming.

Sharing Hearts

After a great deal of surrender and emotional release, I feel something touching my knee. I am pleased when I look up from my tears, seeing that Peter has moved over to sit on the ground next to me.

“I have remained connected to you the entire time.” Peter reassures me. “I continue to feel your energy moving. You are doing a great job.”

To my surprise, I quickly find myself engaging him in conversation, sharing my transgendered status, explaining the complexities of how a great deal of the sadness has to do with the pain of having had to suppress the feminine magic of little Sharon.

Peter shares with me how he has had these energetic abilities ever since he can remember as a child – that they have never left him. He is extremely sensitive and aware of what is energetically going on inside of other people. Before today, this ability has been hugely overwhelming to him. He is deeply grateful for Keith’s assistance in opening up his own understanding, and for the opportunity to help me in a way that no longer brings painful emotional density inside.

“Would you ask your little inner child to connect with my inner children?” I lovingly ask Peter. “I feel strongly that your little child can assist both Bobby and Sharon in learning to trust that it is OK to be a magical child – that it is safe to reopen the lid on this buried magic.”

Pandora’s Box

As Peter and I continue to simultaneously talk and process, I begin to feel increasingly lighter, especially in my upper chakras. It is as if a large portion of my childhood joy and humor has returned to me. Yet I continue to feel prickles and pain in my solar plexus and belly button areas, as well as in my lower second chakra.

“A while ago,” Peter soon shares with me, “I saw the metaphor of ‘Pandora’s box’ when working with your inner children. There was the distinct and powerful fear that opening the lid on that sad emotion would release a Pandora’s-box-like chaos in your life. That fear is now dissipating.”

A Wrapped Gift

Shortly before he leaves at 4:45 p.m., Peter mentions another impression that was given to him on my behalf.

“Brenda, I am getting that all of this sadness you have been releasing is wrapped up just like a birthday gift.” Peter shares carefully.

“Yeah,” I respond with giggles, “It is like underneath this terrifying wrapper of sadness, there is a huge gift of long-suppressed child-like joy and giggles.”

“It is so bizarre that I would be frightened to unwrap and remove the sadness so that I could discover the joy hidden inside.” I add with a puzzled smile. “Why is there is so much fear about simply laughing and being free of the pain, the victimization, and the sadness?”

The Mirror Of Creation

Just as I am about to leave, Linda grabs my attention and, while tapping on her heart chakra, she indicates that there is more work she wants to do.

“Would you like to stay a while and work with me?” She encourages.

Soon, Keith, Serg, Linda, and I are meditating together on the porch. For a while, I am puzzled as to why Linda does not bring up the issues that she wanted to work on. As we are all in total silence, the answer suddenly hits me.

“I created this reality … Linda is my mirror … it must be me who really has more work to do.” I ponder with great curiosity. “There is something in my own heart chakra that I need to work with.”

I love how I have manifested the powerful energy of these three people to support me in my next unknown process.

Relaxation Is Impossible

“What do I need to do?” I ponder for a while.

As I try to connect with little Bobby, I discover that he is extremely agitated, flighty, and traumatized. I again feel painful pressure in the center of my heart chakra (nail-in-the-heart spot), along with mild pressure on my forehead.

“Of course,” I finally realize. “The pressure/pain is now my resistance to something that wants to come back in … I never brought in the light after doing all that emotional release … but even more importantly, there is more of my own childhood magic that is now ready to return.”

As I attempt to relax and allow this energy to return, I feel nothing but stiff resistance and tense muscles. Relaxation seems impossible.

Believe, Observe, Trust, And Feel

Finally, I visualize myself on the front row of a theatre, with my physical body up on the stage. I see myself as someone like Harry Potter, in a magical movie of sorts. I begin to imagine that this magical being on the stage (me) is beginning to receive the gifts of her magic. These gifts are swarming energetically around her, like a sparkling cloud, before they magically touch her skin and dissolve into her essence.

I watch as this magical being transforms in front of me. Her forgotten inner magic is again flowing through her veins. Her inner knowing is gradually returning. The only thing she needs to do is to allow. There are no complicated rituals, no struggles, and no need for the assistance of rational mind. It just happens.

The experience grows increasingly magical as I actually do experience new energy movement in my chest – energy that soon moves into my high-heart, then my throat, chin, and nose. As I follow intuition telling me to touch my tongue to the roof of my mouth, I feel the tingling energy spread throughout my head.

Soon, the energy spreads to my shoulders, my upper back, and down to the solar plexus region. The heart chakra and upper chakras feel as if they are greatly strengthened. Intuitively, I feel as if some energetic rewiring of sorts has taken place between my heart and upper chakras.

Without needing rational-mind understanding, I simply allow myself to believe that what I am actually experiencing, at a physical level, is real. I do not need to know, understand, control or manipulate … I simply need to believe, observe, trust, and feel.

Flowing Joy

Shortly before 7:00 p.m., Linda and I walk home together. It seems that she also had a powerful silent meditation.

As I meditate briefly before bed, gratitude fills my heart that I got out of my own way, recognized how I create my own reality, and allowed myself to receive such an amazing experience.

Today has been more beautiful than I could have ever possibly imagined. I have released overwhelming sadness, embraced trust, and allowed renewed magic to enter into my heart. Gratitude flows throughout my soul as I contemplate the magical joy that is flowing into my future.

Continued Sadness

Monday evening, after a tiring trip to Panajachel and a detailed photo update to my blog, I attempt to meditate. But something is off in my heart. My soul wants to cry, as exhaustion consumes me. Shortly after 6:00 p.m., I am fast asleep. The evening is over as I drift into dreamland.

Early Tuesday morning, I awaken at 4:00 a.m., but am unable to focus. At 6:30 a.m., I make an attempt at meditation, but the computer sucks me into her vortex instead.

Finally, at around 8:15 a.m., after eating my oatmeal with an ounce of chocolate, I begin to recognize that today is not destined to be a writing day after all. Instead, I honor an internal feeling of continued sadness.

Yes, I will meditate and do my own private chocolate ceremony. Writing will just need to wait until another day.

Mother Nature Support

Outside, rain begins to lightly fall. Even during rainy season, morning rain is rare. Usually the storms happen around mid-afternoon and have ended before midnight.

The “nail-in-the-heart” pain soon returns as a bottled-up wave of suppressed sadness knocks on my metaphorical door.

“I need to use higher energies to move this sadness.” I tell myself while resisting the tears, repeatedly pushing them back down.

Finally, another internal voice whispers, “Release the tears … allow them to flow … you need to pop the cork on these pressurized emotions … you can do the higher-energy moving later.”

Within seconds of my bursting into physical tears, the light drizzle outsize suddenly converts into a loud rumbling downpour, synchronously joining me in a wet and watery release. I absolutely love how Mother Nature backs me up in this powerful process.

An Empty Well

There is no logical way for me to explain, or to suppress, the intensely sad emotions of my little Bobby as I further release his buried emotional pain. Intuitively, I recognize this sadness as being from around fourteen months up to eight years old.

The emotions are so powerful that I simply have no choice but to cry right along with them as they flow up and out of me.

Each time that I attempt to bring in higher energy, I experience a great deal of resistance – so I surrender and instead continue to pile up the tissues beside me on the floor.

“Bobby,” I occasionally check in, “will you allow me to bring in higher energies to help release this sadness?”

Each time I meditatively make this request, I only feel increased resistance and sadness. The tears continue to flow.

Finally, after nearly an hour, the tears suddenly dry up, as do the raging rains outside my window. It seems as if that bottomless well of sadness – a well that was only half-drained on Sunday – seems to have finally emptied, at least for now.

For the next four hours, I meditate in blissful higher energies, moving emotions, pains, and energies around in my body, releasing them to the light, and overflowing with joyful peace.

Releasing Rains

An hour or two after finishing this beautiful meditation, the rains again return – this time with a vengeance. For nearly twenty-four hours, the rains fiercely pound. Sometime before midnight, the electricity goes out, remaining off for the duration.

It seems that Tropical Depression Twelve-E has made its way inland. Pacific storms rarely affect this part of Guatemala this late in the season, but this one brings in the thundering rains with a fury.

Memories take me back to Tropical Storm Agatha, a powerful storm that raised the lake level over a meter – that washed out bridges and roads all over Guatemala – that destroyed property and affected lives all over Lake Atitlan – that left me stranded at the lake shortly after my Moon Course ended in May, 2010.

This new storm proves to have many similarities. Mudslides have indeed destroyed bridges and covered roads all over western Guatemala. The roads into Lake Atitlan are all blocked, and the lake level is up nearly two feet since the storm began.

It seems that the heavens have indeed released huge amounts of water – water that represents emotions in my metaphorical world.

But then again, I am getting ahead of myself.

Familiar Pains

The chocolate ceremony on Wednesday, October 12, begins right in the middle of the fierce rains of Tropical Depression Twelve-E. As we drink our chocolate and begin the glow meditation, the rains continue to pound around us, and the electricity remains disconnected.

I can only giggle at the small attendance – there is Keith, me, and one other young man who is in his final day of silence at the Moon Course. It looks like the Universe has a very interesting one-on-one ceremony planned for me, right in the continued midst of the storm.

Almost immediately, as I begin to meditate, the sharp nail-in-the-heart pain returns. Believing that I have now done enough crying, I am determined to bring in higher energies.

As I breathe and focus all of my energies on bringing in higher assistance, the only thing that happens is that the pain greatly intensifies.

The Need For Tears

“Go into the pain.” Keith coaches me when I share my journey with him.

“But I’m trying to do this without crying.” I share with Keith in confused frustration. “I shouldn’t need to cry about this more. I have already done that. I want to bring in higher energies to help.”

“Brenda,” Keith lovingly responds, “you need to feel this emotion to the bottom in order to release it. If that brings up tears then you need to go there.”

“But you keep indicating that it is time to do this with higher energies.” I respond with a question on my face.

“As long as you believe that you are not supposed to cry,” Keith responds, “then you will probably need to cry. Your need for tears will only diminish when you drop your resistance to tears.”

I am so grateful for a kind and loving teacher.

Gasping For Breath

As I finally allow myself to sink to the bottom of the surging emotional pain, I find myself experiencing the emotions of a young boy who was forced to give up his magical identity in order to conform to the programming of clueless parents and religion.

I now clearly recognize how I was indeed “crucified” in the name of religion – energetically stabbed in the heart and shutdown by a substitute for my true Source.

Tears begin to stream as I start to feel the intensity of the sadness that remains buried and unreleased. I literally feel as if I am sinking down a bottomless well filled with that never-ending sadness.

“Haven’t I gone deep enough into this pain?” I ask with desperation.

“You need to go all the way to the bottom.” Keith responds with loving firmness.

As I proceed, I feel as if the air is being sucked out of me – as if I am literally gasping for breath.

Crying For No Reason

Suddenly, new rounds of insight powerfully flash into my awareness.

“I have a strong judgment against people who cry for no apparent reason.” I blurt out to Keith.

At first, I believe these judgments are aimed toward other adults, but then I remember the painful truth.

“Stop crying or I’ll give you a reason to cry!” I remember myself screaming at one of my children in an impatient and exasperated voice.

Seconds later, I see myself as a five-year-old child, lying on my bed while my mother is desperately trying to get me to stop crying. As far as she knows, I too have absolutely no reason for crying, and her patience is being stretched to the limit.

“I’m still judging myself for crying for no reason.” I blurt out to Keith. “And I have been projecting that self-judgment onto others throughout my whole life.

Speaking My Truth

Suddenly I begin to cough sporadically, a sure metaphorical sign that my expressive throat chakra also wants a voice.

“And I wasn’t able to speak my truth.” I quickly add. “I was coerced into conforming, into being what everyone wanted me to be, and I have no voice – it was being suppressed.”

“After all of these years,” Keith interjects, “you are finally learning to speak your truth.”

Ego Insights

After delving deeper and deeper into that sadness, I am suddenly amazed when the emotional pain simply disappears. Instead of pain, I experience what I can only describe as a mild cool breeze leaving my heart chakra. The emotional energy continues to flow out of me, but I no longer need to feel it to the core.

“Keith,” I express in a moment of doubt, “I feel as if I am making this all up. I know that my doubts are just ego, but they continue to bombard me.”

“Thank the ego for showing you how important what you are doing actually is.” Keith adds with confidence. “If this process was not important and real, your ego would not even bother to try to stop you.”

“Wow,” I ponder deeply, “that is a profound thought.

Follow The Breadcrumbs

As the nail-in-the-heart pain finally disappears into nothingness, I begin to feel sharp painful prickles in my solar plexus. Ever so quickly, I shift my focus on a new metaphor. As soon as I begin to follow, the pain again shifts, leaving my solar plexus and migrating down into my second chakra. After a twenty-minute game of “follow the metaphorical breadcrumbs,” the extreme lower-left portion of my second chakra has my full and undivided attention. This is the area of my bladder, just to the left of my groin.

“Congratulations on your willingness to simply follow the energies.” Keith jumps in to validate what I am doing.

The pain in the region of my bladder is soon intense and overwhelming.

Shame-Filled Insights

As I attempt to sit beside the pain, to connect with it, to ask it what it wants to teach me, a barrage of memories begin to parade through my consciousness.

“I suffered extreme shame during my younger years because of bedwetting.” The memories start flowing. “Surely this is related to the energetic bladder pain.”

“I suffered intense confusion between bodily functions and sexuality.” The insights continue. “And the absolute lack of information and guidance from adults left me in a space of feeling horribly alone, filled with deep shame.”

One by one the painful confusing memories parade by, reminding me of the intense confusion and shame that followed me everywhere I went – the confusion over bodily function, gender, and sexuality literally overwhelmed me as a young child.

A Completely New Level

For an hour or more, I silently focus on energetically releasing these shame-based emotions. The process is slow, but I feel a strong participation from the metaphorical angels whom I bring in to assist. I creatively imagine these emotional energies leaving my second chakra through the same distorted situations that programmed them into me in the first place. The end result feels quite liberating.

I am delighted when the only other person on the porch soon leaves, and I now find myself alone with Keith. I am dealing with some sensitive personal issues here, and I would love to discuss a few of them frankly and out loud.

The next unexpected situation surfaces when I begin to experience extreme sharp pain in my left groin – the feminine side of my genital area. Eventually the pain also spreads to the right – but that only follows later.

I begin to recognize these pains as showing me the core cause of the ongoing feud between left (feminine) energies and right (masculine) energies. Their hatred toward each other remains intense. I have been working on this healing for many months. Something tells me that I have moved to a completely new level of negotiation.

Pure Innocence

After enduring this pain for thirty minutes or more, making little or no progress via the process of simply moving energy, I feel guided to invite my masculine and feminine energies to join me in a metaphorical conference room.

As I attempt to mediate the conflict between these two hated enemies, I ask them to please sit and face each other. I sense their intense animosity – how each blames the other for repeatedly victimizing them during our lives together.

For a considerable length of time, the two simply stare angrily as I attempt to help them find some form of common ground.

Suddenly, a beautiful understanding floods into the heart of that tense moderation.

It happens so quickly. I cannot explain how or why it occurs, but all at the same time we suddenly recognize the truth.

“Each one of us, throughout our entire life, has always acted with pure and genuine intention, with nothing but unconditional love as our motive – we were simply trying to survive and our hearts were always overflowing with pure innocence.”


As this profound energetic realization permeates the hearts of all parties involved, I burst into a wave of joyful tears. (Even now, three days after the fact as I later write about this historic peace accord, I again burst into tears as more mixed joyful emotions flood out of me.)

Intuitively, I recognize the powerful significance of the simple-but-profound event that just unfolded.

“Brenda,” Keith quickly guides me, “use your ability as an empath to help them both release their hatred.”

“And perhaps you can remind each of them that they are also empaths,” Keith quickly interjects. “Maybe you can help them to release each other’s hatred using their own empath abilities.”

After a few minutes of deep peaceful meditation, I invite and use my breath to bring both of these beautiful energies into my heart. Intuitively I recognize that these are Bobby and Sharon, in their late twenties – Bobby is on the right and Sharon is on the left.

I follow intuitive guidance to do what I do best – to hold a powerful space of high vibrational energies, creating a safe and loving environment for these two energetic parts of me to help each other. Moments later, I begin to feel the pains in my left groin drift upward toward the right side of my heart, while the pains in the right groin begin drifting toward the left side of my heart.

“They are doing it … they are being empaths and assisting each other.” I ponder with joy.

The process goes on for nearly an hour as I bask in the beautiful energy and the amazing profound knowing that these two feuding parties might finally be achieving significant progress toward reunification.

Nearing The End

“Congratulations for nearing the end of a process that you have been working on for a very long time.” Keith tells me with a huge grin. “You are finally helping these two parties to find some type of peaceful closure with each other.”

I could have continued this energetic release for hours to come, but my heart prefers to come home, to finish the remainder of the process in my own space.

To my amazement, the rains from Tropical Depression Twelve-E have magically stopped during the middle of this beautiful ceremony – and the lights are back on – both happening right about the same time that my profound emotional release was also complete.

For me, this is an amazing synchronous acknowledgment from the Universe. The perfect timing of this event is something that I find hard to deny or discount.

Evacuation Warnings

Shortly after returning home, as I prepare to take notes about an amazing Wednesday afternoon, my landlord invites me outside for a short conversation on the patio.

“Brenda,” he says sternly, “you need to be prepared to evacuate tonight. They say that we are only experiencing a break in the storm, that more heavy bands of rain are headed our way, and that the heavy rains will continue to come for the next forty-eight hours.”

“I believe the rains are done,” I respond with confidence. “My intuitions tell me that we are fine now, but please, do let me know if anything pressing comes up tonight.”

My intuitions do indeed prove to be accurate. The raging storm has indeed ended, and there is no further need for concern. The eerie calm lasts well into Thursday, at which time the rains return to normal rainy-season patterns.

Synchronous Connections

It is only in retrospect that I clearly see the profound synchronicities. The first wave of Tropical Depression Twelve-E started and then ended right on cue, perfectly timed with my own deep emotional release on Tuesday morning. The second extremely intense wave ended as I was finally achieving peaceful reconciliation between two sides of an ancient hatred.

As I ponder the fact that I create my own reality, that everything that happens around me is something that I either create or allow, my mind joyfully begins to play and speculate with the possibilities.

“Could this entire demonstration of Mother Earth’s amazing power have been orchestrated on my behalf?”

While I also understand that we all somehow contribute to the collective creation of reality, I cannot help but be impressed by the profound synchronous connections as they relate to my own healing journey.

Copyright © 2011 by Brenda Larsen, All Rights Reserved

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